My Life: Adopted from China

60min Episode | Full Post Production

Production & Broadcaster: BBC Sport/BBC Two

Online Editor: Eben Clancy

Colourist: Neil Parker

Dubbing Mixer: Robin Cowap

My Life: Adopted from China - title card logo

My Life: Adopted from China - close up of girl's face

My Life: Adopted from China - animation of world and country china

My Life: Adopted from China - girl holding pet dog

My Life: Adopted from China - two girls laughing the street

My Life: Adopted from China - girl practising ballet with animation border

My Life: Adopted from China - two girls talking on a bed

My Life: Adopted from China - girl striking a dancing pose for photoshoot with star animation border

My Life: Adopted from China - to girls talking to a camera sat on a bed

My Life: Adopted from China - close up of girl's face in sat in a car

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